Pinkerton Sales Marketing Philosophy
Pinkerton Sales is an independent sales agency dedicated to serving the needs of manufacturers and distributors. We are looking for long term relationships with both manufacturers and distributors. We accomplish our mission of getting merchandise from the manufacturer to the end user through distribution in the following manner:
1. Constant contact with distributors by personal calls, phone, fax, letters, sales meetings and joint sales calls.
2. Keeping principles informed as to what is going on in our area.
3. Maintain an office-warehouse with qualified sales people to answer questions and provide quick inventory for our distributors.
4. Provide an open line of communication between our distributors and our factories.
5. Make end user sales calls and participate in trade shows in our area.
Pinkerton Sales covers a wide area: Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. We call on a variety of Distribution: Mill Supplies, Industrial Supplies, Cutting Tool Houses, Welding Supplies, Fastener Houses, Contractor Supplies, Bearing houses and other supply type houses. As you can see Pinkerton Sales, Inc. offers a unique opportunity for marketing products in the four state area.